

NewsLetter Nexyad,  June 15th 2015. 

Nexyad Skin Three-Strip a la Technicolor 30’s - 60’s 


The Nexyad Skin Three-Strip a la Technicolor 30’s - 60’s :

Following its two-color process, the Technicolor Motion Picture Corporation launched in 1932 a camera that simultaneously managed three films black & white, one as red-sensitive, the second green-sensitive and the last blue-sensitive. From these negative films, they applied an additional dye color for each matrix (subtractive) and then perfectly juxtaposed the three matrices on perforated film and each was used as a printing plate to be deposited on a support: the positive copy. The Movies using this three-strip process met a huge success with the public because the beauty of their images. It allowed for the first time a "supersaturation" of some colors. Some lamented that purpose in the name of "realism", while creatives used it the whole range available to them (particularly for its Walt Disney cartoons). This revolutionary technique comes from MIT engineer Herbert Kalmus.

As a quote, see images of movies in Technicolor :

Duel in the Sun - King Vidor

Lawrence of Arabia - David Lean

Spartacus - Stanley Kubrick

The Leopard (Il gattopardo) - Luchino Visconti

 The Nexyad skin three-strip reproduces the Technicolor render of the  thirties to the sixties movies, as analyzed in many films. It is not just saturating the colors, or multiplying the red, green and blue together. Otherwise strong color saturation quickly leads to fluorescent colors everywhere; meadows "lime green" skies "cobalt blue", etc ... in all circumstances. This is not what you can observe on old Technicolor movies : the “saturation” effect comes from the fact that desaturated colors and saturated ones are put together with less color tones than in reality and less variations of middle saturations : see "The Wizard of Oz," "Gone with the Wind," "Duel in the Sun," "An American in Paris," "Scaramouche" "Ben Hur", "Lawrence of Arabia", etc.

Click on images to see the demo films below…

Technology Demo Nexyad Skin 3-Strip a la Technicolor 30's to 60's (film 01) from NEXYAD on Vimeo.

Technology Demo Nexyad Skin 3-Strip a la Technicolor 30's to 60's (film 02) from NEXYAD on Vimeo.

The overall rendering of Nexyad skin 3-Strip is rather dark in luminance (case generally observed on the period films), with a quite strong contrast saturation: low saturated colors may alternate with saturated color spots. Similarly, all colors are not possible. In particular, the red shades are highly targeted.

    What is a Nexyad Skin ?

    The Nexyad Skins are automatic and adaptative color grading processing (process is different for each sequence to obtain the same result) directly applied to edited rushes, it doesn't need any human intervention. The Nexyad Skins are based on high-tech method combining image analysis, human visual perception analysis, image processing and color theories of great pictural movements. The image data are statisticaly processed and then by a powerful neural network, and artificial intelligence. Artist's creativity is released with the Nexyad Skins, which also allow lower post-production costs to the financials and enhance the viewer's experience by ensuring visual result worthy of the great Hollywood productions. 

    Nexyad Visual-Effects is now developing several skins, they are all easyly adjustable in luminance, color scheme and intensity. This opens thousand of possible calibrations. Of course, it is possible to ask Nexyad to develop your own special Nexyad Skin

    Our Nexyad Skins revolutionize post-production of movies and TV shows. You will be able very soon to process your images on a dedicated Nexyad website without leaving home and give them the chosen style, with our secure Cloud.



 Pour voir la précédente Newsletter Skin Nexyad "Green & Pink", cliquer ici.

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