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Keywords : programming policies, how to follow obvious BUT efficient rules that should keep programs correct, reliable, maintanable, readable, efficient, formal language, regular grammars

NEXYAD experts could notice that lack of functional analysis, lack of user interface specification, "on a hurry programming", fast (poor) documentation, unexplicit names of variables, lack of algorithms specification and formal description, ..., all these items that are descripbed by bad programmers as "a way to gain time" ALWAYS actually lead to a loss of time and money.

The following links to the WWW should give you some practical and theoretical ideas of HOW TO MAKE A PROGRAM, not for yourself, but for the Company that pays you, and its customers that let it all exist.
You will notice that several guide lines give slightly different advices and rules, but that main ideas remain the same : you can then write your own guideline that shouldn't be too far from those valuable resources.

Read carefully and enjoy !

Programmation guide lines

 - general obvious rules to follow
 - algorithms description policies
 - writing pseudo code
 - Architecture Description Languages
 - C++ programming style guide
 - C++ programming style guide
 - C++ programming guide lines
 - C++ programming guide lines
 - C++ programming guide lines

Applied maths ressource on formal language and programming theory
 - Formal language
 - Programming theory and languages